Riffbiologische Kurse im Red Sea Environmental Centre
Das RSEC bietet intensive Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten für Taucher, Biologiestudenten und Universitäten. Da die Kurse überwiegend in Englisch abgehalten werden, werden die einzelnen Projekte auch dementsprechend vorgestellt.
Riffbiologische Kurse im Red Sea Environmental Centre
Da die Kurse überwiegend in Englisch abgehalten werden, werden die einzelnen Projekte auch dementsprechend vorgestellt.

Amazing Coral Reef
Bizarre adaptations, successful survival strategies, unusual partnerships … or just the basics about Corals, Fish and other inhabitants. In this course you will get familiar with all major groups thriving in our reefs. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s
Duration: 1 week
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
470 € for Student package with basic accommodation.
Prices for snorkelers upon request.
Amazing Coral Reef
Bizarre adaptations, successful survival strategies, unusual partnerships … or just the basics about Corals, Fish and other inhabitants. In this course you will get familiar with all major groups thriving in our reefs. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s
Duration: 1 week
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
470 € for Student package with basic accommodation.
Prices for snorkelers upon request.

Coral Reef Adventure
2-week course on biology and ecology of coral reefs. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Student package: 840 €

Coral Reef Adventure
2-week course on biology and ecology of coral reefs. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Student package: 840 €

Best of Sinai Expedition
2 weeks with a lot of reef biology, desert, culture, trips to Nabq protectorate (mangrove & dune systems) & Ras Mohamed National Park, under the guidance of RSEC-Biologists. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Student package: 960 €
Best of Sinai Expedition
2 weeks with a lot of reef biology, desert, culture, trips to Nabq protectorate (mangrove & dune systems) & Ras Mohamed National Park, under the guidance of RSEC-Biologists. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate biology students as well as newbie’s.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Student package: 960 €

Reef Check EcoDiver Course
Become certified to conduct your own Reef Check surveys and take an active role in conserving your favorite coral reefs. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to conduct full scale Reef Check surveys. In this program you will learn all about the globally standardized Reef Check methodology as well as how to identify key indicator fish, invertebrates and substrates selected by Reef Check for global monitoring and conservation of coral reefs! This course will allow you to join the Reef Check monitoring team and assist in underwater surveys around the world.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Coral reefs are under threat worldwide, including the Red Sea. We, as divers, can help make a difference by learning more about tropical coral reefs and collecting valuable data to establish the state of coral reefs. The data recorded are sent to the Reef Check headquarters where it will be included in their annual reports. The Easter Reef Check and Christmas Reef Check includes a 3-day EcoDiver certification course trained by marine biologists. You will learn to identify indicator species and in the globally standardised Reef Check protocol.
Participant is comfortable using mask, fins and snorkel or is a certified scuba diver. Age of 12 or above.
Materials: Reef Check EcoDiver Kit
Testing and Certification: PowerPoint ID test (80%) and field test (90% to pass) to obtain regional certification card.
Additional training is required to transfer to a new region e.g. Red Sea to Caribbean. Certification card qualifies holder to participate in Reef Check surveys in the region and to submit their data to the global database.
Easter Reef Check / X-Mas Reef Check
(Optional 600 € for 1 week with 10 dives, +35 € single room supp)
Student package: 800 € (2 weeks), 530 € (1 week)

Reef Check EcoDiver Course
Become certified to conduct your own Reef Check surveys and take an active role in conserving your favorite coral reefs. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to conduct full scale Reef Check surveys. In this program you will learn all about the globally standardized Reef Check methodology as well as how to identify key indicator fish, invertebrates and substrates selected by Reef Check for global monitoring and conservation of coral reefs! This course will allow you to join the Reef Check monitoring team and assist in underwater surveys around the world.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Coral reefs are under threat worldwide, including the Red Sea. We, as divers, can help make a difference by learning more about tropical coral reefs and collecting valuable data to establish the state of coral reefs. The data recorded are sent to the Reef Check headquarters where it will be included in their annual reports. The Easter Reef Check and Christmas Reef Check includes a 3-day EcoDiver certification course trained by marine biologists. You will learn to identify indicator species and in the globally standardised Reef Check protocol.
Participant is comfortable using mask, fins and snorkel or is a certified scuba diver. Age of 12 or above.
Materials: Reef Check EcoDiver Kit
Testing and Certification: PowerPoint ID test (80%) and field test (90% to pass) to obtain regional certification card.
Additional training is required to transfer to a new region e.g. Red Sea to Caribbean. Certification card qualifies holder to participate in Reef Check surveys in the region and to submit their data to the global database.
Easter Reef Check / X-Mas Reef Check
(Optional 600 € for 1 week with 10 dives, +35 € single room supp)
Student package: 800 € (2 weeks), 530 € (1 week)

RSEC Academy
The winter- and summer academies we offer are designed as a very comprehensive reef biological course with practical workshops which provide you with a lot of exciting topics and knowledge about the coral reef and its inhabitants. You will play an active part with one of our conservation projects and help developing of ideas and topics. Your participation will be comparable to a traineeship or practical training for which you get a certification opening the chance for credits at your university.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Simply having a relaxed time abroad, meeting other students, getting to know a new culture, going for nice dives in the Red Sea and learning new things about the unique coral reef habitat. All of this and even more is waiting for if you join our RSEC Academy. The attendance is quite flexible from 3 to 6 weeks within our schedules. Of course you can as well think about a long-term stay of 3 month or more with our Internships. You can also start you dive career (Open Water Diver) within the academy or climb the next steps (Advanced OWD, …).
Student package:
including accommodation, airport shuttles, 1 boat trip, trip to Nabq protectorate (mangroves)
3 weeks with 25 dives 890 €
4 weeks with 30 dives 1.040 €
5 weeks with 35 dives 1.190 €
6 weeks with 40 dives 1.340 €

RSEC Academy
The winter- and summer academies we offer are designed as a very comprehensive reef biological course with practical workshops which provide you with a lot of exciting topics and knowledge about the coral reef and its inhabitants. You will play an active part with one of our conservation projects and help developing of ideas and topics. Your participation will be comparable to a traineeship or practical training for which you get a certification opening the chance for credits at your university.
Dates: See below at the RSEC Calendar of Events
Simply having a relaxed time abroad, meeting other students, getting to know a new culture, going for nice dives in the Red Sea and learning new things about the unique coral reef habitat. All of this and even more is waiting for if you join our RSEC Academy. The attendance is quite flexible from 3 to 6 weeks within our schedules. Of course you can as well think about a long-term stay of 3 month or more with our Internships. You can also start you dive career (Open Water Diver) within the academy or climb the next steps (Advanced OWD, …).
Student package:
including accommodation, airport shuttles, 1 boat trip, trip to Nabq protectorate (mangroves)
3 weeks with 25 dives 890 €
4 weeks with 30 dives 1.040 €
5 weeks with 35 dives 1.190 €
6 weeks with 40 dives 1.340 €
RSEC Calendar of Events
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie sind alle Aktivitäten am RSEC vorläufig abgesagt.
RSEC Calendar of Events
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie sind alle Aktivitäten am RSEC vorläufig abgesagt.
RSEC Calendar of Events
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie sind alle Aktivitäten am RSEC vorläufig abgesagt.
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