MareMundi Save-Our-Seas Stipendien
MareMundi bietet regelmäßig finanzielle Unterstützung für junge WissenschaftlerInnen an, um sie bei ihren Forschungsprojekten zu unterstützen. Wir hoffen mit unserem SOS Programm zu ermutigen, Meeresumwelt zu erkunden, zu untersuchen und zu schützen.
MareMundi regularly offers scholarships in the area of marine biological sciences. We aim to support young/early career scientists with their research projects and hope to encourage them for exploring, studying and protecting marine environments.
Wer kann sich bewerben?
Stipendienbewerber sollten das folgende Profil haben:
• Offiziell an einer Universität (oder gleichwertig) eingeschrieben und Nachweise für die Beaufsichtigung ihres Projekts zur Verfügung stellen (für Master und Doktoratsstudenten).
• Große Motivation zeigen spannende und aktuelle Forschungsfragen zu bearbeiten.
Who can apply?
Scholarships applicants should have the following profile:
• A student of marine science or a related field (Master/PhD-level/Post-Doc)
• Officially enrolled at a University (or equivalent) and provide evidence for supervision of their project (for Master and PhD students)
• Highly motivated to conduct high end and innovative research
Geförderte Themen / Disziplinen:
• Naturschutz und angewandte Ökologie
• Verhaltensstudien
• Evolution
• Biodiversität (einschließlich Taxonomie und Systematik)
Funded topics / disciplines:
• Ecology
• Conservation and applied Ecology
• Behavioral studies
• Evolution
• Biodiversity (incl. Taxonomy and Systematics)
Fördersumme (€ 1.000 – 3.000)
MareMundi ist als NGO auf die finanzielle Unterstützung uns Spenden angewiesen. Ziel dieses Programms ist es ein jährliches Stipendium auf die Beine zu stellen. Um eine sinnvolle Förderung von Grundlagenforschung zu gewährleisten ist ein gewisses Kapital notwendig und wir arbeiten hart daran das SOS Programm jährlich durchführen zu können.
Funding amount (€ 1.000 – 3.000)
MareMundi is an NGO which depends on charity and donations. Hence, thus far, we cannot assure a yearly implementation of the MareMundi SOS program. However, we are doing our best and work hard to assure a regular (i.e. yearly) realization of the program.
Aktuelle Ausschreibungen
Leider ist auch MareMundi stark von der Corona-Pandemie betroffen, wodurch wir im Jahr 2020 nicht in der Lage sind Stipendien zu vergeben :(
Um auf den neuesten Stand zu bleiben und über die aktiven Ausschreibungen und Fristen informiert zu werden, folge uns am besten auf unseren Social Media Plattformen. Wenn du weitere Fragen hast, schreib uns eine Mail (
Active Calls and Deadlines
Unfortunately, MareMundi is also strongly affected by the Corona pandemic, which means that we will not be able to award scholarships in 2020 :(
Follow our social media accounts or subscribe for the newsletter if you want to get updated on the recent calls. If you have specific questions contact us per mail (
Aktuelle Ausschreibungen
Leider ist auch MareMundi stark von der Corona-Pandemie betroffen, wodurch wir im Jahr 2020 nicht in der Lage sind Stipendien zu vergeben :(
Um auf den neuesten Stand zu bleiben und über die aktiven Ausschreibungen und Fristen informiert zu werden, folge uns am besten auf unseren Social Media Plattformen. Wenn du weitere Fragen hast, schreib uns eine Mail (
Active Calls and Deadlines
Unfortunately, MareMundi is also strongly affected by the Corona pandemic, which means that we will not be able to award scholarships in 2020 :(
Follow our social media accounts or subscribe for the newsletter if you want to get updated on the recent calls. If you have specific questions contact us per mail (
Scholarships 2019
Scholarships 2019
Dr. Armin Bloechl (TiHo Hannover, Institut Physiologie und Zellbiologie) will be awarded with the MareMundi MED fellowship. € 1500.-
He plans to conduct a citizen science-based Lionfish monitoring project in the Mediterranean Sea. The Common (or Devil) Lionfish (Pterois miles) is considered as an invasive species that increasingly becomes a major threat for the native fauna in the eastern Mediterranean basin. After its first sighting in 1991, the common lionfish underwent an immense population growth with probably terrifying consequences for the whole Mediterranean littoral community. It is accounted as one of the most invasive species that inhabits our planet and examples from the Carribean already showed the trail of devastation that the fish can cause. The fierce predator mainly feeds on other small fishes which can lead to the collapse of the whole species community. In order to get a comprehensive picture of the current situation of Lionfish in the Mediterranean Sea, Armin Bloechel decided apply a citizen science approach with the further goal to monitor the long-time impact of the invasion. The idea is to offer an easy handling and high-quality data management plan that will allow the scientific evaluation of the situation through the hands of citizen science.
Steve Gerber (Master Student, University of Genth) will be awarded with the MareMundi REDSEA Fellowship.
€ 1500.-
He plans to conduct his Master thesis in cooperation with the Red Sea Environmental Center in Dahab and plans to assess the impact of tourism facilities on coral reefs around Dahab, with the main focus on eutrophication-induced algae overgrowth on corals. Therefore, he will participate in the Coral Project of the RSEC, which will offer the training and equipment required to conduct his field work.
Sampling will take place in January and February 2020. By measuring distinct variables across sites with different characteristics, he hopes to partially disentangle the mechanisms underlying phase shifts caused by eutrophication in coral reefs. Furthermore, Steve Gerber tries to identify sites which are subject to high eutrophication impacts and should be prioritized by conservation efforts.
Steve Gerber (Master Student, University of Genth) will be awarded with the MareMundi REDSEA Fellowship.
€ 1500.-
He plans to conduct his Master thesis in cooperation with the Red Sea Environmental Center in Dahab and plans to assess the impact of tourism facilities on coral reefs around Dahab, with the main focus on eutrophication-induced algae overgrowth on corals. Therefore, he will participate in the Coral Project of the RSEC, which will offer the training and equipment required to conduct his field work.
Sampling will take place in January and February 2020. By measuring distinct variables across sites with different characteristics, he hopes to partially disentangle the mechanisms underlying phase shifts caused by eutrophication in coral reefs. Furthermore, Steve Gerber tries to identify sites which are subject to high eutrophication impacts and should be prioritized by conservation efforts.